Alright folks, this week we were both under the weather with colds and so you're getting a bit less conversation than we like to give you on this show, but no worries, we'll make up for it soon. . .;-) There was a lot of stuff that we probably could have used but it was just too damn annoying hearing us sneezing and sniffling and sounding like pitiful excuses for podcast show hosts! So we figure we'd spare our image and keep the talks trimmed down!!!
To make up for the lack of convo, Cody and I put together a few little collages that hopefully keep you entertained. This is a little bit more what it would sound like if we just shut up and played the most whacked out shit we could find for you!!! Feel free to drop us a line at our email and let us know what you think, and please keep in mind that we are still seeking more submissions from listeners, let your voice be heard!!!
As far as the tracks played, there were only three that got full air time, and they are as follows:
Primus - Restin' Bones
Sheep on Drugs - Mary Jane
Buck 65 - Achille's and the Tortoise
Some of the things we mentioned in this episode:
The Grow Report Forum - Buy a t-shirt to support Medical Marijuana!!!
The Viking Youth Power Hour
FM Micro Broadcasting
The Bad Ass Frank Show
Current TV
Next week's episode will feature a dope song sent in by a listener, we'll have some interesting stuff from the Attic Dwellers, and we may even get a visit from our ET friends in Hyperspace!!!
Peace Out, Breath In. . .