16 September 2008

Episode 6.5 Show Notes

The Evolution Continues. . .

This week's Smashcast is the first featuring the work of only one of the two Attic-Dwellers. . .well, sort of! That's right, the boys are switching off each Smashcast week so that the other can mine for jewels in Shambala, and this week Sancho starts it off! Cody drops in for a little bit to read some email and discuss is latest addiction, and it's a bad one this time!!!

As you will realize by now, we have started a PayPal account to allow fans of the show help support our work and "show some love" monetarily. We're not asking for anything so do what you think is the best thing in regards to that. Also, we have a section on the Grow Report Forums over HERE. Make sure to check that out, get some conversations going, and buy a t-shirt to help support Zandor!!!

Also noteworthy is that during Cody's segment he gave the wrong address for KMO's show, the C-Realm Podcast. The correct address is at http://c-realmpodcast.podomatic.com. Sorry about that KMO!!!

Okay, on with the track lists(I'm being heavily distracted by this crazy band I'm listening to right now called Mirthkon, very cool)!!!

Music played in the background is in italics, while featured songs are in bold.

NOTE: There are only two songs played as background music for Sancho's vocal segments, and they are:

DJ Shadow vs. Cut Chemist - Funkybreakbeats


DJ Mark Farina - Some Funky Dub(Imperial Dub Session)

Tragic Comedy of the Drug War - Volume 1: Big Pharma
from AmericanDrugWar.com

John Anno's 311 Remixes - MindSpin

MFDoom - Nettle Leaves With Mister Fantastic

Elliot Smith - A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free

MFDoom - Arrow Root

MFDoom - Styrax Gum

Burial - Raver

Unknown Artist - The Man

Del the Funky Homosapien - BM's

Beck - Chemtrails

311 - Reconsider Everything

Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Clips taken from some YouTube videos of a kid from Millbrook, the late Laura Huxley, and clips of Psychedelic Salon Episode #156

Alright, that's it for now, I'm really tired and must get some sleep, but I will be updating and expanding all show notes very soon to include more specific details from each episode, so keep an eye out for that in the next couple weeks!

Peace Out, Breathe In

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