20 December 2008

Episode 13.0 Show Notes

Featured Songs:

Infected Mushroom - Artillery

Sound Tribe Sector Nine - Shock Doctrine

Chemical Brothers - Do It Again

Buck 65 - Copshades

The Flaming Lips - The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song

Sorry for the late notes, guys, I kind of got distracted this week. . .

So things are going well in the Attic and so Cody and Sancho take some time to bring some minor things that I suppose just needed to be said by us and then moving on to the next phase of the show next year.

No dick jokes this week, but whose to say it can't happen!?!?!? I definitely can tell you that in the new year we're going to have more interviews on the show as well as bringing on listeners with something to say. Sancho might start recording with his socks off, and Cody will achieve the perfect psychedelic sound effect! If anything should happen the meantime then it is green and faded as it walks across the street- leaving sound. Taken as an instance there is no telling which direction that water flows when going uphill, it's all inside for one to ponder at and see themselves looking back out into amazement and amusement rides. Brookside chats with squirrels and a certain fondness for Arabia can lead one into valuable store shops with expensive jewelry and lame cab drivers, nothing is for free but some is taken. Hold onto with that gusto that could have killed John Wayne, bask in delight as they say right past the ultra filters and spasm junkies, no telling what door is leaky. Hop onto one side and lean forward in proportion to your weight as it's told on the meter, we have no tickets here but ride for free, son, we do have limits and you can test them for me. Taken a sign and billboards spring lifeless and still, calm waters again, birds singing. Frog jumps.

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