Featured Songs:
MGMT - Time To Pretend
Aphrodite - Once Again
Cloudcult - Purpose
WE START this week's show by discussing the ever-elusive topic of how exactly to go about finding the others! Playing a clip from the Psychedelic Salon where one of Lorenzo's listeners asks about this very topic, we then go on to give some of our thoughts on the matter as our show is a result of this most holy of Hidden Acts. . .

Go find the Others, boy! There you go!
Here's a few links to threads on the Psychedelic Salon forum dealing with this subject:
Finding the Others thread
Answering Samantha's Question thread
Psychedelic Families & Rites of Passage
Afterwards we talk about the idea of installing rites of passage into our culture via ingestion of psychedelics. Imagine that! We actually talk about this for awhile and some interesting things were said, what are your thoughts? Psychedelic families are few and far between, but Cody and I both have experienced what they can be like and it SURE ISN'T what the ONDCP, the DEA, and Conservative Jerks would have you think it's like!!! Some of the best people I know live in a psychedelic family. . .so what you got on that, huh, Drug warriors(weiners)!?!?
PS#140 - Psychedlic Families with Alex and Allyson Grey

Terrence McKenna - Alien Dreamtime
"History is ending, because the Dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley. . ."
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