So, this is Cody. I have no idea WTF I'm doing. Sancho is our typical 'show notes' guy, and I felt bad making him do more than the usual. So, I'm attempting these by myself for the very first time.
Basically, in Ep. 14.25 you heard the conversation I had with listener Anthony, who was able to make it to OKC for the Flaming Lips show on NYE. What I'm going to do here is just supply you with some pics of the event, to maybe give you an idea of what it was like to be there.
(highly reccomended)

This is a pic that my mom took from the stands.It was taken during the opening band or between bands. If you click the photo you can see where we (Anthony, Kacey, and I) were located during most of the show.
This is from where we were standing for most of the show. This was in-between bands. You can clearly see the UFO that The Flaming Lips lands in here. This is also before all of the confetti etc etc has started flying around. Later on in these photos you can see streamers and things that have got caught on the ufo that add to the whole atmosphere.
The above link will bring you to a youtube vid of the UFO landing and the first song that The Lips sang. There is an option in the corner of the vid that lets you view it in high quality. It makes a huge difference.

This is during the show.

Wayne Coyne singing. (my hero)
The following pics are mostly from during the NYE "countdown" that they did. They did it at 11:30 so we could rush out into the streets of OKC and see the city's firworks.

Well, I could go on and on about this show, and show you guys more pics etc, but it wouldn't do it any more justice. I hope some of you get the opportunity to see this mayhem on your own.
So, best wishes to everyone in the new year. Thanks for listening to BLiTA.
Cody Out.