07 January 2009

Episode 14.0 Show Notes

Hey everyone I'm still waiting for some stuff from Cody about the NYE Lips shows, pics and maybe some videos and such, so here's just some of the basics for this episode, more later tonight!

The first episode of the new year and it's super long and a day late, exactly what you would expect from BLITA so no lip!!! ;-)

For real though, we've got a lot of cool shit going on for this year and many of these aspects are coming together right now so it's taking a lot of free time! All good things require disproportionate wait times, usually, so no worries.

This episode is basically the first half being a discussion about Cody's time at the New Years Eve Flaming Lips show, and it sounds like it was a blast! Listener ynohtnA, who hangs out also in our chat room sometimes, actually met up with Cody there and between the two of them took enough drugs to make Willy Wonka blush!!! Fuckanay. . .

The SECOND half of the show is an interview with the major inspiration for us doing our own show, Lorenzo Hagerty of the Psychedelic Salon!!! It's a real honor and a treat to have him on, and it's especially fortunate that he's got plenty of experience at Burning Man which is why he decided to come out of near-seclusion and appear on our show! ;-)

If you guys haven't heard of Lorenzo before, or the Psychedelic Salon, I can't recommend it enough, it will change your mind/body state even without the aid of chemicals. . .no, really, it will. So many wonderful speakers, thought provoking presentations, mind-blowing ideas, and unquestionable integrity is what you'll get over at the Salon, it's one for the Ages.

click the pic

Lorenzo has been helping us to really refine our vision for Burning Man and cueing us in to what is more of the reality of the situation as compared to our own half-baked(I say fully baked, hehe) ideas and aspirations. He'll be coming back on the show every so often to update us with info and further discuss just what we're gonna do there, but so far it's sounding like a blast! So listen in on this episode especially if you're planning on going to the Burn this year, or if you're just interested in the festival and what goes on behind the scenes in preparing and planning for it!

We also would like to shout out to our buddy Opaquelens who has his own psychedelic podcast called Shamanic Freedom Radio. He's new to the medium but seems to be comfortable with putting himself out there and still having something to say. He's starting to get a few guests on his show and already has landed an interview with the one, Rupert Sheldrake! It was a very good interview actually and highly recommend that episode and the others as well. Opaquelens has his own history and enlightening background along the path, and his show seems to be a welcome addition to the psychedelic genre of podcasts!

click the pic

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