We are the counterculture. . .
A Message from Author, Matthew J. "Mateo" Pallamary:
Yo bros Sancho & Cody,
I’ve been authorized by the Southern California Writer’s Conference, San Diego, which will be President’s Day Weekend, February 13th – 16th, to offer a $50 discount off the Full Conference registration for Psychedelic Salon, C-Realm, and BLITA Listeners. All they have to do is inform the conference that they heard it from Mateo on the podcasts. I’ve had a few great people come to my workshops and writer’s conferences who came via the podcasts.

Are You Asleep?
This week we have listener, GhandiMan, on the show to discuss the Art of Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is a technique that is not new to the human condition, but through the pioneering work of Dr. Stephen LaBerge of the Lucidity Institute, much scientific progress has been made to provide the public with information regarding the practice of knowing that you are in a dreaming state, and acting accordingly.
Ghandi has had much experience with the world of LD, and got his start after seeing the film, Waking Life, by Richard Linklater who also is the mind behind the film A Scanner Darkly, as well as the stoner classic, Dazed and Confused. Sancho had his first Lucid Dream the night after seeing this film. . .
Cody talks about having much experience with Lucid Dreaming himself, and his original inspiration came from the works of Carlos Castaneda. The main technique there being to look at one's hands obsessively in waking life, and to recognize when one is looking at them in the dream state.

The key to effective Lucid Dreaming lies in two branches of technique- the MILD, and the WILD.
WILD- Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming
MILD- Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming
Reality Checks are key to knowing exactly when you're dreaming or awake. So, that being the case, three RC's mentioned in the show are:
1). Right now, look at your hands. Just stare at them and concentrate on them. When dreaming, it will be difficult to maintain focus and your hands may even appear altered or even completely different. Make a habit of looking at your hands and asking THE question: "Am I Asleep?"
2). Right now, try and attempt to put one of your fingers through the palm of the opposite hand. If you CAN do this, then you are certainly in the dream world, or you just have a hole in your hand! Now, you can get used to doing this in your dreams, and so even if your finger goes through, if you're just plain bored of doing this tek then you still won't notice you're dreaming. . .
3). Right now, plug your nose and try to inhale through it. If you can't do this then you certainly are not dreaming, or are you? Awareness in these practices is key, which is why it is good to have more than one RC to work with just to be totally sure. Try this one again. . .are you still here?

1 comment:
Can we get a track list plz?? :D :D
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