Fresh from Turkey Day, Cody and Sancho get down on some good old psychedelic thinking! With bellies full and buzzes slight, things always get interesting in the Attic. Some early topics are problems with our skype chat room, the Process church(vaguely), and the ejaculatory effects of the Illuminatus! Trilogy. Oh yeah, did we mention that this is our 23rd episode!?!?!?

Later on we listen to our first voicemail on our Skype account, blita1, and that spurs a very deep and interesting discussion about the sacred plants coming out of the jungle and into the New World, as well as the notion of a psychedelic renaissance occurring in our very near future. Not to be missed!!! The listener, Juliano, really touches upon a lot of very relevant topics and ideas within the psychedelic community and we weren't able to address them all, so it is very likely that we will continue this conversation next full episode(Ep. 13.0). I highly encourage you all to join in on the conversation over at our forum section over at the Grow Report. Let's connect minds!

Up close look at some fungus mycelium that may resemble our neural brain networks and even the organization of dark matter in the universe!
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