Okay, okay, okay, so I'm really fucking bad at getting these show notes done fully and on time! So sorry, but God forgives!
Anyway, I want to give you what was supposed to be in last week's show notes, and by that I mean the photo hunt Cody mentioned! Sure, it may seems childish and whatever, but to be really honest, so what!!! That's the whole point, do something you haven't done in a while, but instead of "Where's Waldo" it's "where's the DMT pipe?" and really, which would you rather have? A walking candy cane or a 4-D candy cane with red and green self-transforming elves sliding around on it!?!?!?
So, you just go ahead and click on that picture up above and it will take you immediately to a super duper large sized version of this photograph, suspiciously taken off the grassy knoll. . .
You need the list. . .
The Official BLITA iSpy List:
1) 2 Glass Weed Pipes
2) Laser Pointer
3) 4 stacks of cds/dvds(out of case)
4) A Scanner Darkly dvd case
5) 5 empty cans of Old Style
6) Dreadlock Wax
7) Ashes outside of ashtray
8) Nitrous(Whipcream) Dispenser
9) Empty Nitrous whippits
10) Norman Bates stabbing/raping the Crow
11) ShellsBells420 complaining about men on Skype
12) Empty weed baggie
13) Garden Guardian Sign(Do Not Disturb the Plants)
14) AC/DC Concert Ticket
15) Cheech & Chong ticket
16) Two pill containers with suspiciously wrapped up materials
17) Empty mac ‘n cheese incld. Fork
18) The Infamous Drug Drawer
19) Pieces of paper cut into strips and put into plastic bag(Lets Save Democracy!)
20) Electronic Music Machines
21) Glass vapor pipe(for powdered tryptamines only!)
22) Empty Balloon
23) Fierce Nicotine Habit
Now, for anyone that finds all "23" things, there is a prize which awaits you that is beyond anything ever dreamt of even in the deepest recesses of Shamballa, for truly this is the way to enlightenment.
Seriously though, have a go at it and email us back, we want you to be a part of the magick that goes into making these shows!!! You guys have no idea how cool and fun it has been doing these shows week after week, and even though the original Attic will not be a part of the "behind the scenes" of this show anymore, it's still where all the sweet shit will go down in our hearts, minds, spirits, and familiar spirits! Hell, we might even just have to take the Attic to Cody's new place, or maybe somewhere in the Nevada desert. . .
Anyways, so that's enough out of me for right now, but I'd like to leave you with a zen koan that comes straight from the "Zen Masters Workbook 2.0 for New Age Burnouts" and it goes something like this:
"What is the sound, of one Cat meowing?"
Huh? What the hell man!? I've just blown my own mind, but that's only because I'm gettin' it, are you man????

don't see the fnords
1 comment:
Love the lights <3
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