26 December 2008

A BLITA Xmas(?) Special!

Did anyone really think that the second longest psychedelic podcast in the world would really leave you hanging for the holidaze season!?!?!? C'mon, you know we're more obsessive than that!!!

If it wasn't for holiday seasons like this we wouldn't have much excuse to put together amazing shows like this one, there's plenty for all here just come on inside. . .

Jan Irvin Stops By. . .

Gnostic Media's own, Jan Irvin, comes into the Attic for a bit to talk about the shamanic origins of Christmas, and gives some mycological advice as well! Then, we are all blessed with an extended-length 2-zillion-year-old Hippie episode!!! Many of our favorite podcast hosts stopped in, big ups to KMO, Queerninja, and Max Freakout! Synthia reveals some of her, um, deeper intentions. And Sancho shows up just in time for nitrous giggles and warm socks!!! Don't worry if you missed it before Christmas night, this show is funny at least up 'til New Year's Eve!!!

"Ask Him your magnificent questions. . ."

24 December 2008

Xmas Notes Soon! Until Then. . .

Let me leave you with MY holiday moment of zen. . .


Several Mysteries Compound To Make A Mid-Day Sandwich

And you must ask yourself, "Am I afraid of the UFO any more?"

If they loomed above my roof would I tremble like a primate, on my living room floor?

I am ready for contact.

Two devils parted thee-- one dunce, the other mystery.

Inside shells of selves I've found outer connections vibrating frequently on most horizons. Past tense is never a verb. Chart new waters. Enliven the sea.

We have cast long shadows, so that dogs won't even walk where we've been. Oh how so long until dawn's break, we have rations for a meal or two. Birds chirp sunrays through the soul of my heart, giving breath to each moment, reaching out towards it All-- and nothing but to give a giggle, you sit and watch me smiling. . .

The road is hard and long but we are always on it. Come down from the sky, you heathens, there is much work(nothing) to be done.

20 December 2008

Episode 13.0 Show Notes

Featured Songs:

Infected Mushroom - Artillery

Sound Tribe Sector Nine - Shock Doctrine

Chemical Brothers - Do It Again

Buck 65 - Copshades

The Flaming Lips - The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song

Sorry for the late notes, guys, I kind of got distracted this week. . .

So things are going well in the Attic and so Cody and Sancho take some time to bring some minor things that I suppose just needed to be said by us and then moving on to the next phase of the show next year.

No dick jokes this week, but whose to say it can't happen!?!?!? I definitely can tell you that in the new year we're going to have more interviews on the show as well as bringing on listeners with something to say. Sancho might start recording with his socks off, and Cody will achieve the perfect psychedelic sound effect! If anything should happen the meantime then it is green and faded as it walks across the street- leaving sound. Taken as an instance there is no telling which direction that water flows when going uphill, it's all inside for one to ponder at and see themselves looking back out into amazement and amusement rides. Brookside chats with squirrels and a certain fondness for Arabia can lead one into valuable store shops with expensive jewelry and lame cab drivers, nothing is for free but some is taken. Hold onto with that gusto that could have killed John Wayne, bask in delight as they say right past the ultra filters and spasm junkies, no telling what door is leaky. Hop onto one side and lean forward in proportion to your weight as it's told on the meter, we have no tickets here but ride for free, son, we do have limits and you can test them for me. Taken a sign and billboards spring lifeless and still, calm waters again, birds singing. Frog jumps.

10 December 2008

Episode 12.5 Show Notes

Featured Songs:

Erik Satie - Gnossienes Pt. 4

System of a Down - Prison Song

Blank Blue - Faces

Wolfmother - Dimension

Flaming Lips

Lo Borges - Cancao Postal

Looking through the other end of a telescope, and here is another BLITA Smashcast! Always a little different, you get a sort of variety of things today, a few oddities, a few listener contributions, and even some Sancho!!! You couldn't buy that man, you really couldn't.

This week Sancho goes a little outside the psychedelic territory and into something many people of the psychedelic nature can appreciate: Growing Your Own Food. Inspired by a recent Bill Moyers interview, Sancho provides you all with yet more interesting pathways to pursue in our search for a better way. Who knows what fruit it will bear, but it's better than the dead-end Death Culture's way of doing things, eh?

Meme of the Week: Corporate Food

Here's the link to the Moyers interview with Michael Pollan. Also, I'll provide you with some links that I found by following those provided in the show notes for this interview.

HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION - Radical Change Taking Root

Growing Power, Inc.

Growing Power Training Vid sampler(Very Good!!!)
Urban Permaculture Strategies- Pt1

PERMACULTURE & PEAK OIL: Beyond 'Sustainability'

Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, or one big cannabis seedling!?!?!?

Episode 12.0 Show Notes

Fresh from Turkey Day, Cody and Sancho get down on some good old psychedelic thinking! With bellies full and buzzes slight, things always get interesting in the Attic. Some early topics are problems with our skype chat room, the Process church(vaguely), and the ejaculatory effects of the Illuminatus! Trilogy. Oh yeah, did we mention that this is our 23rd episode!?!?!?

Later on we listen to our first voicemail on our Skype account, blita1, and that spurs a very deep and interesting discussion about the sacred plants coming out of the jungle and into the New World, as well as the notion of a psychedelic renaissance occurring in our very near future. Not to be missed!!! The listener, Juliano, really touches upon a lot of very relevant topics and ideas within the psychedelic community and we weren't able to address them all, so it is very likely that we will continue this conversation next full episode(Ep. 13.0). I highly encourage you all to join in on the conversation over at our forum section over at the Grow Report. Let's connect minds!

Up close look at some fungus mycelium that may resemble our neural brain networks and even the organization of dark matter in the universe!

05 December 2008

iSpy: The Attic Version

The Attic(The OG)

Okay, okay, okay, so I'm really fucking bad at getting these show notes done fully and on time! So sorry, but God forgives!

Anyway, I want to give you what was supposed to be in last week's show notes, and by that I mean the photo hunt Cody mentioned! Sure, it may seems childish and whatever, but to be really honest, so what!!! That's the whole point, do something you haven't done in a while, but instead of "Where's Waldo" it's "where's the DMT pipe?" and really, which would you rather have? A walking candy cane or a 4-D candy cane with red and green self-transforming elves sliding around on it!?!?!?

So, you just go ahead and click on that picture up above and it will take you immediately to a super duper large sized version of this photograph, suspiciously taken off the grassy knoll. . .


You need the list. . .

The Official BLITA iSpy List:

1) 2 Glass Weed Pipes

2) Laser Pointer

3) 4 stacks of cds/dvds(out of case)

4) A Scanner Darkly dvd case

5) 5 empty cans of Old Style

6) Dreadlock Wax

7) Ashes outside of ashtray

8) Nitrous(Whipcream) Dispenser

9) Empty Nitrous whippits

10) Norman Bates stabbing/raping the Crow

11) ShellsBells420 complaining about men on Skype

12) Empty weed baggie

13) Garden Guardian Sign(Do Not Disturb the Plants)

14) AC/DC Concert Ticket

15) Cheech & Chong ticket

16) Two pill containers with suspiciously wrapped up materials

17) Empty mac ‘n cheese incld. Fork

18) The Infamous Drug Drawer

19) Pieces of paper cut into strips and put into plastic bag(Lets Save Democracy!)

20) Electronic Music Machines

21) Glass vapor pipe(for powdered tryptamines only!)

22) Empty Balloon

23) Fierce Nicotine Habit

Now, for anyone that finds all "23" things, there is a prize which awaits you that is beyond anything ever dreamt of even in the deepest recesses of Shamballa, for truly this is the way to enlightenment.

Seriously though, have a go at it and email us back, we want you to be a part of the magick that goes into making these shows!!! You guys have no idea how cool and fun it has been doing these shows week after week, and even though the original Attic will not be a part of the "behind the scenes" of this show anymore, it's still where all the sweet shit will go down in our hearts, minds, spirits, and familiar spirits! Hell, we might even just have to take the Attic to Cody's new place, or maybe somewhere in the Nevada desert. . .

Anyways, so that's enough out of me for right now, but I'd like to leave you with a zen koan that comes straight from the "Zen Masters Workbook 2.0 for New Age Burnouts" and it goes something like this:

"What is the sound, of one Cat meowing?"

Huh? What the hell man!? I've just blown my own mind, but that's only because I'm gettin' it, are you man????

don't see the fnords

26 November 2008

Episode 11.5 Show Notes

Track List:

The Mars Volta – Ilyena

Primus – My Name Is Mud

Flaming Lips – Do You Realize(Live in Stockholm)

This week is a full assortment of psychedelic ranting and raving and protruding textures of amorphous blobs and jugulars!

No really, this is not one for the kids, nor is any other episode of this show, which means to be mindful of where you listen to BLITA, things can get pretty hairy! Cody covers a lot of ground this week, as we do, and gives us a couple trip reports from Papa Dodo and Brother Vic who had some experiences with DMT. . .

"I want you to take the Frankenstein shit, the Deer shit, the Green Monster, the Bling and the Bling-Bling, and I want you to roll it all into one joint."

"No one's ever been brave enough to try that!"

"One man is. . .roll it!"

"I'll smoke it with you bro, we'll go to the Black Light in the Attic together, I don't give a fuck!"


Big Dave's Overload!!!

Our buddy, Big Dave, has been friends with us since we started our show and it's about time we help him get the word out about his projects! Dave's got many talents and so here are some links to his new podcast and also his artwork for sale. . .

Big Dave's Podcast LinK

Big Dave's Artwork @ CafePress LinK

So check that out and do what you can to help support another member of this community and friend of the show!!! Remember, we're always interested in linking up members of this great community of people so if you have something to share with everyone, then let us help you promote it!!! Whether it's an audio contribution or some awesome web design, we'll do what we can to help out!


The show notes obviously aren't done, but in the mean time, we do have a few high-quality stickers made up for our show, nothing too fancy but they are very well done actually. We want to put them into YOUR hands, so anyone reading this message while it is still posted, you can just email us with a mailing address and we'll send you out some stickers! We know not everyone has a place to put stickers, but no worries, you can put them on your neighbors house!!!*

Here is a photo showcasing the cool stickers. . .

*We don't actually encourage you putting anything on your neighbors house with out prior consent, so really, be smart, but it was fun to type that while baked!

19 November 2008

Episode 11.0 Show Notes

Featured Songs:

MGMT - Time To Pretend

Aphrodite - Once Again

Cloudcult - Purpose

WE START this week's show by discussing the ever-elusive topic of how exactly to go about finding the others! Playing a clip from the Psychedelic Salon where one of Lorenzo's listeners asks about this very topic, we then go on to give some of our thoughts on the matter as our show is a result of this most holy of Hidden Acts. . .


Go find the Others, boy! There you go!

Here's a few links to threads on the Psychedelic Salon forum dealing with this subject:

Finding the Others thread

Answering Samantha's Question thread

Psychedelic Families & Rites of Passage

Afterwards we talk about the idea of installing rites of passage into our culture via ingestion of psychedelics. Imagine that! We actually talk about this for awhile and some interesting things were said, what are your thoughts? Psychedelic families are few and far between, but Cody and I both have experienced what they can be like and it SURE ISN'T what the ONDCP, the DEA, and Conservative Jerks would have you think it's like!!! Some of the best people I know live in a psychedelic family. . .so what you got on that, huh, Drug warriors(weiners)!?!?

PS#140 - Psychedlic Families with Alex and Allyson Grey

Terrence McKenna - Alien Dreamtime

"History is ending, because the Dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley. . ."

13 November 2008

Episode 10.5 Show Notes

Another week gone by and another BLITA smashcast.
Who would have thunk it?

Pic: BLITA Sticker Featured

I'm gonna switch things up a bit on here this week and change the format of the show notes. . .I think you'll like it. I'm also going to try to really beef up these notes and make this a blog worth looking/reading at even if you don't hear the show. This is a short-long-term goal as my life begins to settle into some semblance of a normal routine once again. Oy!

Here we go

Intro - Paul Stamets discussing his take on the importance of Psilocybin mushrooms. Paul is, to me at least, the leading expert on the world of mycology and his video presentations are mind blowing. I highly recommend intaking any information you can from this guy.

Here's one vid:


Featured Song:
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song(live from BBC Sessions)


Sanchos Intro:

Background Music
John Scofield (w/ Medeski, Martin, & Wood) - A Go Go

Chic Corea Elektric Band - Illusions

Make Obama eat his words, let's get organized!!!

The Men Behind Barack Obama


Bill Hicks on Presidential Politics


Featured Song:

Blackalicious - Chemical Calisthenics


The Two-Zillion-Year-Old Hippie!!!


On Skype: zillionhippie

On the Forum

Ask him your magnificent questions. . .


Burning Man 2009!!!

Evolution, baby! You know what? BM09 is gonna kick ass. We're working on plans to help kick that ass, and you know we're gonna do it right! We have plans in the making, and everyday we come closer to the realization of this project. There is a thread at our forum devoted to this idea which we are updating constantly, so be sure to check that out and see where we're at so far and if you can help us in any way then hit us up!

BLITA at BurningMan '09!!! Be There.

Background Music for this segment:
Jamiroquai - Didgerama & Didjital Vibrations


I read an email from our pal, Matt "Mateo" Pallamary. He answers my question about what his thoughts are on the relation of our body to the perception of other dimensions. . .and it's fascinating!!!

Mateo's A Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness essay, just click here.

Background Music:
Alpha Wave Mix


Featured Song:

Tool - Third Eye(live)

Timothy Leary sample:

Think for yourself
Question authority

Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

Think for yourself.
Question authority.


Dreaming of that face again.
It's bright and blue and shimmering.
Grinning wide
And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes.

On my back and tumbling
Down that hole and back again
Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.

In... Out... In... Out... In... Out...

A child's rhyme stuck in my head.
It said that life is but a dream.
I've spent so many years in question
to find I've known this all along.

"So good to see you.
I've missed you so much.
So glad it's over.
I've missed you so much
Came out to watch you play.
Why are you running?"

Shroud-ing all the ground around me
Is this holy crow above me.
Black as holes within a memory
And blue as our new second sun.
I stick my hand into his shadow
To pull the pieces from the sand.
Which I attempt to reassemble
To see just who I might have been.
I do not recognize the vessel,
But the eyes seem so familiar.
Like phosphorescent desert buttons
Singing one familiar song...

"So good to see you.
I've missed you so much.
So glad it's over.
I've missed you so much.
Came out to watch you play.
Why are you running away?"

Prying open my third eye.

So good to see you once again.
I thought that you were hiding.
And you thought that I had run away.
Chasing the tail of dogma.

I opened my Eye, and there We were.

So good to see you once again
I thought that you were hiding from me.
And you thought that I had run away.
Chasing a trail of smoke and reason.

Prying Open My Third Eye.

Think For Yourself, Question Authority. . .



Featured Song:

Blank Blue - Sea Roars Lead

Joseph Campbell says: "Follow Your Bliss!"

06 November 2008

Episode 10.0 Show Notes

Now, imagine this BLITA-Head on top of a large Attic in the desert, all lit up and even revolving!!!

Let us make this happen. . .

Okay, this week's show Cody and Sancho are back in the Attic! With Old Styles in stock and a nice cannabis buzz in the air, they start things off by discussing last week's awesome episode that was Cody's brain child. A must-listen if you're just tuning in.

The 2-zillion-year-old Hippie comes to us this week since we couldn't even fit our theme music in the last episode!!! He answers some more of your magnificent questions, which you can send to zillionhippie@gmail.com

Then it's on to discuss politics as this episode came out on Election Day here in America. Yeah for Democracy in a Constitutional Republic!!! Seriously though, change is here but it is not change in the White House, it's change in our communities, change in ourselves, change in the way we organize communicate strategize problem-solve and ultimately inform the entire country from the bottom up!

Change '08!

This is that American Citizen's Summit I mentioned that I think has the potential to change the face of the entire American political landscape. Just click the banner to read more about it.

BLITA Skype ChatRoom

AC/DC Live in Chicago(Angus Young Solo!)

So this week we layed out the beginnings of what is gonna be a rocking time at the one and only Burning Man 2009! A BLITA theme camp is in the works and we're gathering our plans as we speak. For now we're looking for a core group of people to invest a little and really get into this creative project. What we already have in mind is to do something grand, at least for our scale. Just imagine a big fucking attic top coming out of the playa, with a full soundsystem inside, dj's spinning, people dancing, guest speakers, maybe a panel discussion, craziness and comfort, didjeridoo's built into the construction, weird people, and even maybe a bag of chips.

Are you in? Even though right now we are looking for a core group of people to promise time and money into materializing this magickal formula, we'll also appreciate help from others who might just wanna come hang out and help with whatever other things we need help with at the event, and also even people with past BM experience to help advise our construction in some way- basically any help is welcome, although we are doing good so far!

It's gonna be a wild ride, are you in? Here's a link to the thread we started at the Grow Report laying out some more details of our plan and it'll be updated frequently(once a week or so) so check for updates! If you're not already a TGR member you'll have to sign in to join that particular part of the discussion, but it's no big deal, just use a fake name and email and Johnny Law wont rob your neighbor.


Okay, so this is usually where the setlist goes, but there isn't one this week! Let's just say that cleanliness is NOT godliness and so some things got tossed in the trash that shouldn't have been. . .

So sorry, if there are particular requests then just email us at findingtheothers@gmail.com and we'll set you up!

04 November 2008

Voting Day

Vote YES! to Prop. 5!!!

Vote Bush!!!

02 November 2008

Episode 9.5 Show Notes

The UFO's 'R Us!!!

This week was a treat that Cody has been putting together for a little while now. Ever since hearing the McKenna talk given at a UFO symposium that aired on the Psychedelic Salon, and then the commentary that followed on the C-Realm podcast between Neil Kramer and KMO, which you can find Here(Pt. 1) & Here (Pt. 2), Cody has been inspired to make a sort of compilation of the more revelatory moments from the shows, although once he set out upon the task he realized that it would be next to impossible to delete anything from any of the shows, but somehow he persevered and the end product is here!

Episode 9.5 Link

If you're looking for an episode that you just hit play and then kick back, this is it! It's full of enough interesting stuff to occupy even the most frenetic minds. . .do not operate heavy machinery while listening!!!

Track List:
Italics are background songs, Bold are featured tunes.

Carbon Based Lifeforms – Central Planes

Carbon Based Lifeforms – Tensor

Atmosphere – Always coming home to you(instr)

Cloudcult – Alien Christ

Caspa – dubstep promotional mix

Cody – I couldn’t find a song

Daft Punk – The Primetime Of Your Life(live)

Daft Punk – Da Funk(live)

Carbon Based Lifeforms – Comsat

Deltron 3030 – 3030(instr.)

RMjoint – Captivated

The Flaming Lips – One million billionth of a millisecond

20 October 2008

Episode 9.0 Show Notes

This week is a combination of a few different elements that hopefully leaves a good taste in your mouth!

We have a little go at reading some listener's emails which prompts a short foray into discussing higher dimensions and such. . .Then we move on to an interview with our friend Jenn from Hidden Dakini who tells us about her experience at the Coalessence Festival in Eureka Springs, Arkansas at the beginning of October. Jenn was the first person to respond to us about doing some psychedelic journalism, and she came back with more material than we could ever hope to use on our show!!! So we'll be using some of that material as well as making it available to the public for pleasure and enlightenment. For now, Jenn has been posting talks from Daniel Pinchbeck as well as Indian Elder Carlo Hawk Walker on her blog, Hidden Dakini so do check that out!!!

Here's a video she found showing the magical forest she talked about.

Also, we want to show you a little bit from the artist mentioned that didn't make it to the festival, Michael Garfield. When he was still in Chicago we had begun dialoging to get him on the show, and even come hang out! But we'll see what happens now that he's moved, so until such time, please enjoy his art which you see sprinkled throughout these show notes! He's selling his artwork over at Michael Garfield's Visionary Art so stop by and buy a print to help support an amazing artist! I think basic prints go for like $15. . .

Track List:
Italics are background songs, and BOLD are featured songs. Some songs used in background were partially looped to increase song length.

Alias – Midgets & Giants(Sage Francis Instrumental)

Primus – Too Many Puppie

Atmosphere – Lifter Puller(instrumental)

Son of Jack – Dubstep Mix:

Ed Solo Vs 50 Cent & Timberlake - Sludge Technology (Dubstep Bootleg)

Shadow Skanking - Dj DLG

What (Caspa Remix) - Wonder

Caspa & Rusko - King George

High Rankin' - You, Me and the Devil

Lukki - Glock Season

Reso - Onslaught

Rusko - Jahova

Emu & Pwn - Broke

Emu & Pwn Ft. Lukki - Sellin' Bass

Press, Diasporah - System Shock

Selfsimiliar - Rise

Triage - Datashrapnel

Richboy - Throw Some D's (Emu Rmx V4)

12th Planet & Emu - Dubwise 128

-end Son Of Jack dubmix-

LCD Soundsystem – Yeah[pretentious version]

MF Doom - Black Snake Root

Grateful Dead - Ripple

15 October 2008

Episode 8.5 Show Notes

Pic: Sancho's Show Notes

That's right muthatruckas, this is an all Sancho episode! Well, all Sancho except for a bit of Cody towards the end, but anyways. . .

Sancho Talking

We start off by questioning reality, "Are we dreaming?" And then move onto other things as Sancho makes good on his promise to add some hope and inspiration to the show! With so much craziness going on in the Dominator Culture, it's important that we all take stock and focus our attention on the solutions to our problems more than the problems themselves. There's enough doom and gloom out there, and for good reason, but just not enough visions of hope, and hopefully you get that in this episode even just a little bit!

2-Zillion-Year-Old Hippie, Episode #2

This week brings with it another episode of the 2-Zillion-Year-Old Hippie!!! The wise old man answers some more questions this week including, "What does outer space taste like?" Be sure to send your magnificent questions to 2zillionhippie@gmail.com, or leave a Skype-voice-message to zillionhippie!!! The Hippie awaits you. . .

Links, Links, Links


Permaculture Wiki Entry Link

Permaculture Insitute Link

Urban Permaculture Strategies Video Part 1

Urban Permaculture Guild


Co-Intelligence Institute

Democracy & Politics section of Co-Intelligence Website

Tao of Democracy Book Website

Transition Towns

Transition Towns Wiki

Reality Sandwich Article

Robert David Steele/Earth Intelligence Network

Earth Intelligence Network Homepage

Talk from Last Hope: Earth Game Brief

Talk from Last Hope: Spy Improv pt.1

Talk from Last Hope: Spy Improv pt.1


Transpartisan Alliance Website

American's Citizen's Summit(seeking delegates!)

Track List:
Italics are background songs, BOLD is a featured song.

Clip from Waking Life

Antonio Carlos Jobim - Girl From Ipanema

Radiohead - Everything In It's Right Place

Esse B & Dan Mac - Terrorized

Big Dave - DMT Song
Big Dave's Myspace

Bit Shifter - Cock Block Disco

Ritchie Hawtin - Live at Coccorico(Riccione)

Pink Floyd - When The Tigers Broke Free

The 2-Zillion-Year-Old Hippie - Episode #2

Clips from Graham Hancock Video Link
Pink Floyd - Fearless

(Haven't gotten notes from Cody yet!)

Clips from Alex Grey talk
Tool - Lost Keys(Blame Hoffman)

Shells' Salvia Musings
Pink Floyd - Sheep

Tom Waits - The Day After Tomorrow(live on the Daily Show)

08 October 2008

Episode 8.0 Show Notes

This week the show is as standard as it'll get around here! With the both of us going through great changes and stresses, we decided to just relax, take it easy, and talk about times past in this episode. Next week Sancho comes out with another podcast and the show goes on. . .

LINK: Black Light in the Attic Chat Room on Skype

Show Notes:

Italics are background songs, BOLD are featured songs.

Atmosphere - @

Bassnectar - Replenish

Bassnectar – The Wicked Twitch Of The West

Bassnectar – Laughter Crescendo

Bassnectar – Creation Lullabye

Bassnectar – Pleasure The Bassnympho

Lcd soundsystem – Someone Great

Justice – Let There Be Light

Burial – Ghost Hardware

Sheep on drugs – uberman

Bassnectar – Interpret

Built To Spill – Car(Live)

Unknown Artist - Azuma Pt.1 Dubplate Version

Atmosphere – Good Times-Sick Pimpin(Instrumental)

Modest Mouse – Other People’s Lives

04 October 2008

Episode 7.5 Show Notes

This week's show was a fun little smashcast brought to you by Cody and features some material KMO sent us from his last trip to Peru. Also there is a short interview with KMO as well at the end so even if the Shiva interview blows your doors, keep listening!!! KMO, the host of the C-Realm Podcast is part of the inspiration for us doing our thing, and while our styles are wildly different from his, we enjoy mutual respect with that man so do check out his show at C-Realm Podcast!!! Thanks KMO!

2-Zillion Year Old Hippie

Also this week we introduced a new addition to the smaschcasts, the 2 Zillion Year Old Hippie!!! He's a really old dude on a mountain that smokes a hella dank weed and will answer your questions and queeries for you! He's been around for a LONG time so he knows a thing or two from all periods in history, so send your questions directly to the Hippie at 2zillionhippie@gmail.com

Show Notes:
Italics are songs in the background, Bold are featured tunes!

Mf Doom – Elder Blossoms

Dr Octagon – General Hospital=>Blue Flowers

Plastikman – Plasticine

Dubstep.fm sample dopeLabs
background for Peru interview LINK

Flaming Lips – Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon(utopia planitia)

Rev. Zeke – Your Other Right

Mole Men – NHB

Insane Bangers – Lsd (bassnectar mix)

Jerry Garcia – Dealin’ From The Bottom

Ritchie Hawtin – live at flex

RJD2 – Ghost Writer

Dismemberment Plan – You Are Invited

Here it is, the KMO/Shiva Interview. just click on this sentence to listen to the whole damn thing. . .but first count to three and picture the color yellow in your head.


23 September 2008

Episode 7 Show Notes

Dont worry, the show notes will be here soon enough, there's not much to tell this week anyway, but the notes will come soon. . .

16 September 2008

Episode 6.5 Show Notes

The Evolution Continues. . .

This week's Smashcast is the first featuring the work of only one of the two Attic-Dwellers. . .well, sort of! That's right, the boys are switching off each Smashcast week so that the other can mine for jewels in Shambala, and this week Sancho starts it off! Cody drops in for a little bit to read some email and discuss is latest addiction, and it's a bad one this time!!!

As you will realize by now, we have started a PayPal account to allow fans of the show help support our work and "show some love" monetarily. We're not asking for anything so do what you think is the best thing in regards to that. Also, we have a section on the Grow Report Forums over HERE. Make sure to check that out, get some conversations going, and buy a t-shirt to help support Zandor!!!

Also noteworthy is that during Cody's segment he gave the wrong address for KMO's show, the C-Realm Podcast. The correct address is at http://c-realmpodcast.podomatic.com. Sorry about that KMO!!!

Okay, on with the track lists(I'm being heavily distracted by this crazy band I'm listening to right now called Mirthkon, very cool)!!!

Music played in the background is in italics, while featured songs are in bold.

NOTE: There are only two songs played as background music for Sancho's vocal segments, and they are:

DJ Shadow vs. Cut Chemist - Funkybreakbeats


DJ Mark Farina - Some Funky Dub(Imperial Dub Session)

Tragic Comedy of the Drug War - Volume 1: Big Pharma
from AmericanDrugWar.com

John Anno's 311 Remixes - MindSpin

MFDoom - Nettle Leaves With Mister Fantastic

Elliot Smith - A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free

MFDoom - Arrow Root

MFDoom - Styrax Gum

Burial - Raver

Unknown Artist - The Man

Del the Funky Homosapien - BM's

Beck - Chemtrails

311 - Reconsider Everything

Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Clips taken from some YouTube videos of a kid from Millbrook, the late Laura Huxley, and clips of Psychedelic Salon Episode #156

Alright, that's it for now, I'm really tired and must get some sleep, but I will be updating and expanding all show notes very soon to include more specific details from each episode, so keep an eye out for that in the next couple weeks!

Peace Out, Breathe In

09 September 2008

Episode 6.0 Show Notes

Alright, alright, alright! Episode 6 is finally here, and that means Cody und Sancho are both back in the Attic blasting out cerebral sweet nothings to your lizard mind!

It's been a minute or two since Sancho was last in the Attic, but he caught up quick with empty whippit containers to prove it. . .The boys come blasting out of the gates this week with a shout out to our boy Zeke and then move onto other things. . .I'm keeping this short and to the point, so here follows the track listing and Links!

Background tracks are in italic, and featured songs are in bold.

Odd Nosdam - Wig 21 (from Anticon Label sampler)

Hot Chip - Over & Over

Chemical Bros. - Life Is Sweet (daft punk remix)

Chemical Bros. - Guinness Advert Music

Plastikman - Plasticine

Tool - 46&2

Chemical Bros. - Like A Motorway

Pete21 - Blacklight!

Air - J'ai dormi sous l'eau (I Slept Beneath The Water)

Primus - Hat's Off

DJ Shadow - Fixed Income

Ministry - The Angel

Ritchie Hawtin - Live @ Little Further '99

Guns 'n Roses - Out Ta Get Me

Air - Casanova 70

Elliot Smith - The White Lady Loves You More

Deltron 3030 - Virus(instrumental)

Elliot Smith - King's Crossing

Air - Casanova 70

Aesop Rock - Big Bang

Alright, here are some links to things mentioned in the show. . .

Behind The Eyelids Podcast w/Rev Zeke!

BLITA Flyer - Give To Your Best Buds!!!

Sage Wisdom(best Salvia spot on the 'net!)

UFO Podcast Episode mentioned. . .

Wiki Entry for Parallel Universes

BardoBeing by Alex Grey

46&2 Lyrics

My shadow's
shedding skin and
I've been picking
Scabs again.
I'm down
Digging through
My old muscles
Looking for a clue.

I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been.
I've been wallowing in my own confused
And insecure delusions
For a piece to cross me over
Or a word to guide me in.
I wanna feel the changes coming down.
I wanna know what I've been hiding in

My shadow.
Change is coming through my shadow.
My shadow's shedding skin
I've been picking
My scabs again.

I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been.
I've been wallowing in my own chaotic
And insecure delusions.

I wanna feel the change consume me,
Feel the outside turning in.
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
Cleansing I've endured within

My shadow
Change is coming.
Now is my time.
Listen to my muscle memory.
Contemplate what I've been clinging to.
Forty-six and two ahead of me.

I choose to live and to
Grow, take and give and to
Move, learn and love and to
Cry, kill and die and to
Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and to
Do what it takes to move through.

I choose to live and to
Lie, kill and give and to
Die, learn and love and to
Do what it takes to step through.

See my shadow changing,
Stretching up and over me.
Soften this old armor.
Hoping I can clear the way
By stepping through my shadow,
Coming out the other side.
Step into the shadow.
Forty six and two are just ahead of me.

03 September 2008

Episode #5.5 Show Notes

Alright, better late than never, right? Poor excuse, I know, but here's the Show Notes!

So yet another SmashCast of varied and obtuse proportions, delightfully packaged and nuzzled with star dust and astral slag. We hope you like!!!

Don't forget to be beyond cool and drop us an email any time of day or night, and please, take your shoes off at the door. . .

We have an open invitation going for some field reports of the upcoming Coalessence Festival, but in the spirit of Gonzo Journalism we ask that any really cool fest you experience please, let us know how it was and even make a vocal recording of your time there! Or, if you've got the know how put together a short segment for us and we'll get it aired out!

Peace Love and Pipes!

Italics are background songs, Bold is featured:

Plastikman - Goo

Oysterhead - Oz Is Ever Floating!
RMjoint, BRC, Alex Feldman - Shake Your Rump ReMix
Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes

Poem by CheshireCat
Plastikman - Koma
Pete21 - Java Dub
Grateful Dead - They Love Each Other
This song is Cody's all-time favorite live track from Jerry and the Boys. . .

Portishead - Magic Doors

Tool - Aenima

DreadZone - One Way

S.maharba - The Look

Fela Kuti - Water No Get Enemy

Tool - Reflection

Samples taken from Psychedelic Salon Episode #154, and Psychonautica Episode #47

Image from Rigorous Intuition Blog, I had put it up here w/out permission so I might as well credit the source. It mesmerized me.

Did Cody already mention that this was our 10th Episode!?!? Yeah, our first landmark!

26 August 2008

Episode 5.0 Notes

That there above is yet another kick ass artwork that Pete21 did for us, and yet again this is about the only place you'll see it because it sure as shit isn't showing up through iTunes!!! This problem is well beyond us, but stay away from PodOmatic if you decide to get your own show some day. . .Ugh.

Alright, this week's show is a straight up show, not too many frills, but who needs that when you've got an hour long interview with an amazing psychedelic explorer and author!?!? That's right, Matt "Mateo" Pallamary joins us in the Attic this week and we get to pick his brain just ever so slightly about his world and what it means to travel along a more spiritual path. This interview marks the first for the show and is one not to be missed!!!

Plus, we get to hear the story of one of our own community about his trials and tribulations and how he got through them to be in the place where he is now, traveling a more spiritually aware psychedelic path! A short, inspiring story that may relate to where you are at in life as well. Enjoy!!!

The songs played, in order, with background tracks in italics, and featured songs in bold:

RMjoint - Eastern Influence
RJD2 - The Proxy
Richie Hawtin - Live @ Flex(Wien)
Flaming Lips - Rainin' Babies

Interview Background Track:
Richie Hawtin - Live in Wellington '96


Tool - Lateralus
Big Dave - Shaman's Groove
RMjoint & BRC - Petty Things

Molemen - NHB

Here's a link to Matt Pallamary's website, and some links to other Pallamary interviews as well!


Link to Matt's essay about the Evolution of Consciousness(.doc)

Matt on the Psychedelic Salon Podcast w/Lorenzo

Matt on the C-Realm Podcast w/KMO

Stanley Krippner Homepage(shamanism elements mention)

Here's The Link! to the 37th Annual Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival held in Madison by NORML. This is the event that we will be at, representing our show as well as handing out fliers for the Dopefiend Network. If you'd like to meet up with us then just email us and we'll be sure to set something up. There are one or two people from the Grow Report Forums already wanting to meet up, so we'll probably arrange the initial meeting with them and use that as a point to meet anyone of you who also might show up! It's gonna be a good time and we might even have some cool t-shirts made up to help promote the show!!! Saturday we'll both be there for sure, see ya there. . .

That's it for now, folks. Take care of your self and each other. We only have this moment to enjoy. . .


photo courtesy of Matt Pallamary

23 August 2008

Memetic Artwork

Some of you will notice the new artwork on the Blog Banner, and that beautiful piece was done by a member of the Grow Report Forums, MemeticAlchemy, and we thank him so much for it! What you see above is actually altered slightly from the original as some "neon" effects were added to it to give it the glowing blacklight look, as well as adding the "Blog Edition" text. We will be using the original for other things, but it's pretty fucking cool, huh!?!?

19 August 2008

Episode 4.5 Smashcast

We have a mailing list function set up, so if you want notifications of new episodes, then send us an email at findingtheothers@gmail.com with the header "mailing list" and we'll add you on! For now it will be just when new episodes arrive, and we'll throw in some other shit as well on those messages, but eventually we may even do a sort of newsletter, so keep your eyes open for that one.

Pete21 from the Grow Report Forums not only did another cover art for us, but he also put together another smashup! Yeah for Pete! Let's hope and pray that podomatic doesn't fuck up again so you all will get to see that artwork on your iPods or whatever other mp3 player you use(we get paid to plug iPod on here. . .).

Alright, Cody said we're gonna have track lists for ALL tracks played and so we're gonna try and live up to that!!! It aint easy, but here it is. . .Background tracks will be in italics, and featured songs(songs played the whole way through) will be in bold. All songs will be listed in order, and links will be provided for some sources of smashups.


Richie Hawtin – (from live mix)

Primus – Bob’s Party Time Lounge

Clips of Alex Grey describing his first Ayahuasca trip
Tool - Lost Keys


Cloudcult – Bobby Spacesuit

Clip from Dubstep.fm Podcast #20070804 & Terrence McKenna clips
from Psychedelic Salon Podcast Ep#150

(Poem) Garion333 – Doppleganger
Alias – Clickety Clack

Mole men – NHB

Flaming Lips – Fight test

Pete21 – Max’s Big Sky
Kinks - Big Sky
Max clips taken from Psychonautica Podcast Ep#43

Deltron 3030 – Upgrade(instr.)

Flight of the conchords – hiphopopotamus vs. the rhymenocerous

David bowie – moon age day dream

Jamiroquai – High Times

Wutang – clan in da front
Carbon Credit Clip
Young jazz rebels – nino’s deed
Clips from various youtube videos. . .

GnR – Welcome to the jungle
Carbon Credit Rant
Shpongle – Shiva space technology(dmt remix)

Co-Intelligence segment
Phish – whats the use?
Various clips from:
Robert Steele(Earth Intelligence Network) - C-Realm Episode#112
Tom Atlee(Co-Intelligence Institute) - Video on Veoh.com
Juanita Brown(World Café) - YouTube Video Link


J Dilla = Nothing like this

Deek Jackson w/ FKN NEWZ - Fear Monger 888 Link
Hemp segment:
Hemp Conspiracy Video
Jack Herer Video
Phish - Albert

Beth Gibbons - Mysteries

Well that's it for now folks, join us next week as we talk about something and listen to something else!

Peace Out, Breathe In

13 August 2008

Episode 4 Show Notes

In this episode, the boys feature a little extra conversation than normal to make up for the last episode. To start things off, we introduce the "Smashcasts" which are the ".5" episodes that are put out in between the main feed, and will feature contributions from listeners mainly, so send in whatever you have!!!

www.blacklightintheattic.com has been bought, and in the next couple months we'll be putting together an official website from which we will also eventually host the show feed through that, as we have many many problems with the PodOmatic service we use now, it's not highly recommended!

Songs Played:

Flaming Lips - War Pigs(live)

Flaming Lips - Love Yer Brain

The entire backing track is from Cody's archive, and is the only known recording of his live drum 'n bass group, so if you want a copy, you know what to do. . . findingtheothers@gmail.com ;-)

We used a portion of episode #42 from Max Freakout's Psychonautica podcast, cheers Max!!!

Here's some links to Cody's videos from Flaming Lips concerts. . .pretty fucking cool!!!

Picture 178.mov

Picture 179.mov

Picture 180.mov

Picture 184.mov

Picture 185.mov

That's all for now, sorry so short on this one, but we're still working out our system and maintaining work lives and all that, but I promise these will be on time from now on, we're starting to get ahead on things so. . .

Peace Out, Breathe In!!!

06 August 2008

Episode #3.5 Show Notes

Hey all, we had a few minor setbacks and so we couldn't get the podcast out on Tuesday, which is the day we're going to be putting the podcast out from now on. . .Hopefully! ;-)

Also, big ups to Pete21 from the Grow Report Forums for doing up some more cover artwork for this episode. The last episode's cover art he did for us wasn't coming through on many people's podcatchers and it is somthing within Podomatic's system meaning that it is well outside of our control, so hopefully this week's art work comes up for you guys! Thanks, Pete!!!

First, Cody welcomes everyone, and thanks our listeners and fellow podcasters. Then he goes over a 2cb-FLY report(and song) that was sent in by a listener. You see? We TOLD you that we'd play your stuff!!!

But we don't stop there, after another Maybe Logic Exercise w/the Ghost of Robert Anton Wilson, we play a nice little trip report from Pablo Rasta from the Grow Report Forums! 20+ hits of acid, accidentally. . .wow.

Tracks played:

Cloudcult - Happy Hippo

Gemstar - Trip With Me

Modest Mouse - Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset

Song at the end of Pablo Rasta's segment:

Release Pt.2 - Blackalicious ft. Saul Williams

Pablo's segment for the Dopefiend Link.

Song at the end of Sancho's Info Corner:

311 - Seems Uncertain

Sancho's Info Bit Links:

The Caves Link.

Nazca Lines Link.

Reaction Test Link.

Richard Branson's Space Jet Link.

Peace Out, Breathe In

29 July 2008

Episode #3 show notes

NOTE: The program artwork that Pete21 from the Grow Report Forums sent us is for some reason not uploading with this episode. We're trying to figure it out and hopefully will get it fixed soon, but until then, here it is:

Alright folks, this week we were both under the weather with colds and so you're getting a bit less conversation than we like to give you on this show, but no worries, we'll make up for it soon. . .;-) There was a lot of stuff that we probably could have used but it was just too damn annoying hearing us sneezing and sniffling and sounding like pitiful excuses for podcast show hosts! So we figure we'd spare our image and keep the talks trimmed down!!!

To make up for the lack of convo, Cody and I put together a few little collages that hopefully keep you entertained. This is a little bit more what it would sound like if we just shut up and played the most whacked out shit we could find for you!!! Feel free to drop us a line at our email and let us know what you think, and please keep in mind that we are still seeking more submissions from listeners, let your voice be heard!!!

As far as the tracks played, there were only three that got full air time, and they are as follows:

Primus - Restin' Bones

Sheep on Drugs - Mary Jane

Buck 65 - Achille's and the Tortoise

Some of the things we mentioned in this episode:

The Grow Report Forum - Buy a t-shirt to support Medical Marijuana!!!

The Viking Youth Power Hour

FM Micro Broadcasting

The Bad Ass Frank Show

Current TV

Next week's episode will feature a dope song sent in by a listener, we'll have some interesting stuff from the Attic Dwellers, and we may even get a visit from our ET friends in Hyperspace!!!

Peace Out, Breath In. . .

22 July 2008

Episode 2.5 Show Notes

This episode includes a segment from me(Cody) talking a bit about hip-hop music and its potential as being psychedelic and/or truly artistic. Following that, Sancho talks a bit about Dr. Rick Strassman and his new book "Inner Paths to Outer Space," his older book "DMT The Spirit Molecule" and his interview with Martin Ball from the "Entheogenic Evolution" Podcast.(entheogenic.podomatic.com) He also discusses other things you can find out about through Dr. Strassman's website(www.rickstrassman.com)including the upcoming documentary based upon Strassman's DMT book. . .

Sancho then talks about Tom Atlee and The Co-Intelligence Institute, (www.co-intelligence.org/) and a VERY basic overview of some of the ideas addressed by the "Institute." Cody, then, comes back and talks about how "Black Light in the Attic" has been doing in regards to advancing and building an audience etc.

He also gives a HUGE "Thank You" to Max Freakout of the Psychonautica podcast(which is part of the dopefiend.co.uk podcast network which includes a number of different podcasts that are MORE than worth checking out.... Thanks Max for giving the show such an incredible plug on your most recent episode of Psychonautica!

Alright, here's a first go at the track listing for this episode. Ya'll heard Cody that it's gonna be too tedious to write down every song including the background tracks, so we're gonna keep it to the songs we more or less feature, and the offer still stands that if you have a specific track you wanna know about, then just hit us up with the time it played and we'll let ya know!


Sage Francis
- Crack Pipes

Sage Francis - Different

Deep Puddle Dynamics - Exist

Beck - Soldier Jane

Songs played during Sancho's info segment:

In Background:
Telesma - Penumbra
Orka Veer - The JHP
- Shining Path

Full Song:
Blank Blue - In The Swim

Built to Spill
- The Plan(live) (GAWDDAMN I LOVE THIS TUNE!!!!!)

Peace Out, Breath In!

19 July 2008

Reality Sandwich Interviews Dr. Rick Strassman!

For all who are wondering, Dr. Rick Strassman is the first man to get government approval to study the effects of Dimethyltriptamine(DMT) in human subjects and he published a book from his five year study called, "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", which you can purchase online or wherever books are sold.

Dr. Strassman has recently co-authored a new book, "Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies" and it looks like it's a good one!

Here's what the publisher has to say about it:

An investigation into experiences of other realms of existence and contact with otherworldly beings

• Examines how contact with alien life-forms can be obtained through the “inner space” dimensions of our minds

• Presents evidence that other worlds experienced through consciousness-altering technologies are often as real as those perceived with our five senses

• Correlates science fiction’s imaginal realms with psychedelic research

For thousands of years, voyagers of inner space--spiritual seekers, shamans, and psychoactive drug users--have returned from their inner imaginal travels reporting encounters with alien intelligences. Inner Paths to Outer Space presents an innovative examination of how we can reach these other dimensions of existence and contact otherworldly beings. Based on their more than 60 combined years of research into the function of the brain, the authors reveal how psychoactive substances such as DMT allow the brain to bypass our five basic senses to unlock a multidimensional realm of existence where otherworldly communication occurs. They contend that our centuries-old search for alien life-forms has been misdirected and that the alien worlds reflected in visionary science fiction actually mirror the inner space world of our minds. The authors show that these “alien” worlds encountered through altered states of human awareness, either through the use of psychedelics or other methods, possess a sense of reality as great as, or greater than, those of the ordinary awareness perceived by our five senses.

That certainly sounds interesting, and listeners to the show will know that Cody in particular has a special connection with the DMT realm as evidenced by the DMT Trip Report at the end of Episode #1!!! This interview is a great one conducted by Martin Ball, the host of the Entheogenic Evolution Podcast! Just click the title of this posting to go to the interview now. . .

Dr. Rick Strassman's Website

Entheogenic Evolution Podcast w/ Martin Ball